Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Runday??

I woke up this morning with every intention of heading to the gym and getting a run in....but my legs had other plans. Ouch. Apparently I pushed it a little too hard yesterday and Friday because my legs are KILLING me today! So, I decided to stay home and do a workout with my new favorite piece of workout equipment, a resistance band! I have been taking strength training classes at the gym for a few years so I am no stranger to a resistance band but somehow I had never thought to buy one for myself!

I live in an apartment with not a lot of extra space for exercise equipment. As much as I would love to have a home gym one day, it's just not practical right now. I don't know why it took me so long to decide that getting a resistance band was an awesome idea! You can work out every part of your body with it and you pretty much make it as easy or hard as you want so you don't have to have different weights like with dumbbells. And when I am done, it will fit in a drawer to be stored! So yesterday I picked one up at Target and played around with it last night and came up with some pretty challenging moves! And at only $10 I would say it was a pretty good investment!

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday so we will be spending most of the day in Muncie visiting her and then visiting my family. Should be a great day with my husband and family :)

Now I am off to drink my coffee, watch Fashion Police (a guilty pleasure of mine) and do an arms and shoulders workout! Happy Sunday to all!!

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