Thursday, October 4, 2012

A new day.

I am a firm believer in listening to your body. For the last few days mine has been complaining to me about the way it has been treated and yesterday it went into full-on revolt mode. I have eaten well or exercised very much at all for the last week or so. I have just been so busy (not a valid excuse, I know) and every time I turn around there is some kind of party or celebration telling me that it's ok because it's an occasion!

Yesterday started out by me not eating breakfast. Great start to the day. I instead just filled myself with what I am pretty sure was extra-super-duper caffeinated coffee from the gas station (instead of my normal half-caff from home) and got to work on my checklist of things to accomplish at work. By 9:00 I was so amped up on caffeine that I could barely sit still. I was also starving by 11:00. I decided to go to Noble Romans with a co-worker for lunch where I got a personal pepperoni pizza and breadsticks with cheese. Another great choice. By 2:30 I was really starting to feel icky. I was dizzy, sweaty, nauseous and could barely form a sentence because my thoughts were so frazzled. I left work an hour early and went home and rested.

I woke up this morning feeling infinitely better. I know my body pretty well and I know that it cannot tolerate greasy foods very much at all and that is pretty much all I have been eating. My health as well as my waistline has suffered from it. As I post this, I am drinking my half-caff coffee (which I am now able to drink with only half a packet of Stevia in it) and eating a Van's whole grain waffle with Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter on it. For lunch I will be having a reduced sodium chicken soup with crackers and an apple and I have a frozen greek yogurt for an afternoon snack. Hopefully I will have my poor body back into the swing of things by the end of this week.

I am, unfortunately, drawn to greasy fast food much more than I am whole, healthier foods. I wish I weren't like this but I am. Every day is a struggle for me to be healthy and fit. I sometimes feel that I am the only one who struggles with this at this extreme level. I know I am not but I oftentimes feel that way. So, I will keep pushing on and taking things day by day!

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